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Morgan Philip

Hi there! I am a recent graduate of Kennesaw State University with a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication and Japanese Language minor. My ultimate goal is to convey information across cultures. Check out some of my most notable projects below.



Social Media Campaign

For this project, I was tasked with creating four social media posts pertaining to any topic of my choosing using the Adobe Suite. Since mental health continues to be a prevalent issue among students and working adults alike, I decided to create four deliverables that deal with different facets of mental health while also designing each post in a way that tells a story visually. 

Click to enlarge each image.


Document Analysis and Redesign

For this project, I was tasked with finding a poorly designed document on the Internet and redesigning the document in a way that conveys the information clearly and provides visual elements that can help readers sort through the information easily.


CDC Flu Infographic.png


CDC Flu Infographic Document Redesign.png

Click to enlarge each image.

Content Analysis Cover Page.jpg

Click image to access full document.


Content Analysis

For this project, a classmate and I analyzed four documents discussing the topic of pseudoscience and compared their similarities and differences by obtaining qualitative data under specific categories. Our proposed research question that we sought to answer was: How do scientific experts define and describe pseudoscience to influence public perception?


Discord Usability Test

For this project, I along with a few of my classmates conducted a small scale usability test that measured the effectiveness of the Discord onboarding process  for beginner users. Using the triangulation approach, we conducted a heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough of the Discord features that we were testing along with providing our participants with product reaction cards that they could use to summarize their experience interacting with the Discord onboarding process.


Click image to access full document.

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